Artem Zadvoryanskiy

Data Analyst

Artem Zadvoryanskiy

Data Analyst

JAM City – Bingo Pop Rewards Calendar Design A/B Test

  • Created By: Artem Zadvoryanskiy
  • Date: 12/08/2021
  • Client: Jam City


JAM City is a known US-based video game developer company. The purpose of this project is to look at their Bingo Pop mobile game and assess the impact of the new reward calendar design that company wants to introduce to its users on in-game currency (cherries) purchase rates.  

To answer this question we broke Bingo Pop traffic into control and treatment groups and displayed old calendar design to the control group and new design to the treatment group. 

Jupyter notebook with the analysis is attached below:

APPENDIX 1: Purchase Rates Before the Test

APPENDIX 2: Purchase Rates On First Exposure – A/B Test

APPENDIX 3: Avg. Amounts Spent and Matches Played On First Exposure – A/B Test

APPENDIX 4: Purchase Rates All Sessions – A/B Test

APPENDIX 5: Avg. Amounts Spent and Matches Played All Sessions – A/B Test